こんなとき英語でどういう?ネイティブが使う英語を練習しよう!ETC online classをYouTubeで配信!
ここでは、カナダ出身のTeacher JaneとアシスタントのMireiがネイティブが使う英語をマスターできるように練習しています!Youtubeでは、そんなJaneとMirei のETC クラスの様子を配信しています。ゆる~い動画ですが、私が受けてるクラスを覗きながらみなさんも一緒に練習してみてくださいね!
Plactice makes perfect!!
苦手な上司を Kiss the maneger Good bye???
私達のクラスを覗きながら、一緒に自然な英語フレーズを練習していきましょう!私達のETC online classの動画はこちらからご覧ください!
本題の「苦手な上司」のテーマに入る前に、どんな同僚と働きたいですか? 同僚や上司の性格や人柄を表すETC wordsです!
What kind of colleague do you want to work with?
Aimi: I would like to work with a colleague who is seasoned because they have plenty of knowledge and a lot of experience, if I have some problem dealing with something, I pick their brain. It’s really helpful for me to work with someone who is seasoned.
Mirei: This is my colleague Aimi. She is wonderful because she’s very supportive every time I have a problem and asks her for help, she always gives me a hand, so we can overcome our challenges.
ETC Keywords 1
Be seasoned
someone who has a lot of knowledge and experience so they can give some suggestions and advice.
I’m seasoned in teaching English = 私は英語を教えることについてベテランです
Pick someone’s brain
ask someone to help and advice
例:Jane is seasoned in teaching English, so I want to pick Jane’s brain about studying English. = Janeは英語教授についてベテランなので、英語の勉強についてアドバイスを聞きたい
give me a hand
to help someone
例:She always gives me a hand whenever I am in trouble. = 彼女は、私が困ったときはいつも手を差し伸べてくれる
We can overcome our challenge
to solve big problems, issues, and challenges.

Q: Why Mirei and Aimi despise their manager?
Mirei: They(our manager)never support us and they never give us the right direction or any comments, so we are always on our own. They have never done a manager’s job. They don’t know what they’re doing. (発音のlinkingがんばって笑)
Aimi: They are slackers. They never come to the office on time, so they are not punctual. Even if we have an important meeting, they don’t show up for the meeting. The meeting is not going well because someone missed it and we get blamed. But the manager doesn’t care about it. They are so inconsiderate. So I despise them.
ETC Keywords 2
strongly hate
例:I despise someone who always lies. = いつも嘘をつく人は大嫌いだ
Someone who is always lazy.
Slack off
to be lazy to do something.
例:I should review my English notes during my vacation time however I’ve been slacking off from studying. = 休暇中に英語の復習をするべきだが、勉強をサボっている。(怠けている)
Show up for
to appear, to arrive
We get blamed
to be said that someone or something is responsible for something bad.
例:We got blamed by our client because he was late for an important meeting. = 私たちは彼が重要なミーティングに遅刻したせいで顧客に責められた。
もしあなたのマネージャーがこの様な人だったらどう思いますか? そんな状態を表すことができるフレーズはこちら↓
If my manager always slacks off, I would be
so upset, (心が乱れる程)イライラする・腹立たしい・悲しい
frustrated, (思うようにいかなくて)イライラする
irritated, イライラさせる・腹立たしい
anxious in my job, 仕事に不安を感じる
uncomfortable to work with them. 彼らと働くことは不愉快だ

Aimi: Guess what!!?
Mirei: What’s going on?
Aimi: Yesterday, our manager and I had a meeting with our client, but he didn’t show up for our meeting. So I had to deal with the customers on my own. It was so tough. And after that, I asked our manager why he didn’t show up, but he said he just forgot about the meeting. It slipped his mind. I was so upset about that. I can’t believe that. What do you think?
Mirei: Again?? OMG… I’ve heard a lot of stories like that. He is famous for that.
Aimi: That’s why I can’t believe he is still in that position. I’m thinking to snitch on him to our higher-ups. I can’t bear the situation anymore.
Mirei: I know!! because many people have the same situation and I have experienced the same as well. So let’s tell on him. I can give you a hand with this. So you can count on me!
Aimi: Thanks Mirei. I think we can do it and we can get rid of him
Mirei: Absolutely! We need to get rid of him. He is a super slacker. Our company needs to kiss him goodbye.
Aimi: For sure. Let’s snitch on him. Let’s go talk to the higher-ups.
ETC Keywords 3
It slipped someone’s mind
to forget something
to snitch on someone
to seacretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something bad
Count on (someone)
to rely on
例:You can count on me!! = 任せて!
Get rid of the manager
to make someone leave because you do not want the person to be with you any longer
例:Our manager got rid of our team member as he was constantly slacking off with his tasks. = 私たちのマネージャーはよく仕事をサボっていたのでチームメンバーから外された
Kiss someone/something good-bye
to accept the fact that someone or something has left or lost or will never get.
例:I left my iPhone on the bus so I kissed it goodbye as no one will ever return it. = 電車にiPhoneを置き忘れてしまったし、誰も届けてくれないだろうし、もう私のiphoneとはお別れだ…(戻って来ないだろう…)
An important person who has a lot of authority and influence in the organization.
New wordはありましたか?ぜひぜひ!みなさんも繰り返し動画を見ながら練習を続けてくださいね!
Practice makes perfect!!
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Teacher Jane with English Trainingのハナシ
(MireiとShunがTeacher Janeの教育をビシバシ受けてシゴかれます)


ETC Vancouver